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Stanford, Berkeley alum in NYC can help with STEM subjects, Python

At the age of 15, after becoming a National Science Talent Scholar, I was accepted as a freshman at I.I.T. Madras from which I graduated in the Top 2%. I won a Research Assistantship to work at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs as part of my M.S. research at Univ. of California, Berkeley. I transferred to Stanford University for my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering working in Computational Fluid Dynamics. At Stanford, I was a Teaching Assistant for the Applied & Engineering Mathematics year-long...

ACT Math

algebra 1

algebra 2


differential equations

discrete math


mechanical engineering

Microsoft Excel



SAT math


Carol T. from Bernardsville, NJ

Ramesh is very knowledgeable. He can look at any AP physics problem and solve it. He has been a wonderful asset.

Kim R. from Bernardsville, NJ

Ramesh is as brilliant and well-educated a math tutor as you are likely to find, but these attributes alone are not what make him such a good tutor. His ability to present complex concepts clearly and concisely, and his knack for finding gaps in our student's knowledge are what have made him so effective. His emphasis on a student's responsibility to be fully prepared for each tutoring session has also contributed to our student's success. We feel lucky that we found Ramesh through WyzAnt.

Sherry S. from Gladstone, NJ

Ramesh began tutoring me only about six weeks before the Physics AP exam. At that time I was able to plug-in about half of what I needed to know but did not really understand much of the material. Ramesh would always ask if I understood and made sure of this by having me explain the problem to him. This caused me to actually grasp the material and in turn I got a four on the AP exam. I was very pleased with this score and I am sure I would not have achieved that without the help of Ramesh.

James C. from Flanders, NJ

Ramesh works well with James, all the questions were answered and understood.

Maria K. from Basking Ridge, NJ

Ramesh was an excellent tutor for our son who was encountering difficulty with Physics. He has a very solid knowledge of the material and is able to explain it in a way that the person being taught develops a much better understanding of the subject matter. He is very patient and goes above and beyond what is required in order to help. He is highly recommended by us as a Physics tutor that can make a difference in this area.